Museo LoPiù

Museo LoPiù
(Logo designed by Juan Carlos Cuba)


jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Amazing photographers: Arthur Fellig 'Weegee' (1.02)


Dressing room at a New Orleans burly

In the dressing room

Sales office

Next showing

The Critic (Mrs. Cavanaugh and friend entering the Opera), 1943

Top hat (outside the Meteropolitan Opera House), 1943

After the Opera, at Sammy's on the Bowery, 1947

Hooper's topper

Girls at the bar, 1946

The gold painted stripper, NYC, 1950

Couple in a voodoo trance,

Lovers on the beach, Coney Island, 1940

Beach lovers

Lovers at the Palace Theatre, 1943

Audience in the palace Theatre, c.1950

Lovers at the Palace, 1943

Lovers with 3-D glasses at Palace Theatre


At a concert in Harlem, 1948

Calypso, c.1945

Easter Sunday in Harlem, 1940

Bubble gum

Celestial echoes

U.S. Hotel stairs

Love bed

The old Met, NYC

Children sleeping on the fire escape, NY, 1938

Summer on the Lower East Side, NY, 1937

Crowd at Coney Island, 1940

Lost child

Beach hole for young lovers

A stitch in time at Coney Island, 1941

Flagpole painter, 1940s

Ruppert Beer

It sounds like music

Space patrol

Teen-agers with pick-up and records


Weegee celebrates launching second book with the ladies love

Shooting Bettie Page

Sleeping cowboy

Naked Hollywood book, 1952


Marilyn distortion

Salvador Dalí distortion, 1950

Nude distortion, 1955

Portrait of Andy Warhol

Weegee and Andy Warhol, 1967

Stanley Kubrick and Weegee

Weegee in coventry, 1963, by Richard Sadler

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