Museo LoPiù

Museo LoPiù
(Logo designed by Juan Carlos Cuba)


martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Fred Astaire - The Ritz roll & rock ("Silk stockings", 1957)


Uno de los números más memorables de "La bella de Moscú" (1957), adaptación de un musical teatral con canciones de Cole Porter dirigida por Rouben Mamoulian, es The Ritz roll & rock (composición añadida a la película), una colorista y divertida parodia del entonces emergente género del rock and roll, con Hermes Pan y Eugene Loring a cargo de la coreografía. Fred Astaire, que ya contaba 57 años y pensaba en retirarse, demuestra en él que aún seguía en plena forma. Sirva esta evocación en el día de su aniversario natal para honrar la memoria del mejor bailarín de la historia del cine.

The Ritz roll & rock (lyrics)

The rock and roll is dead and gone
For since the smart set took it on
Because they found it much too tame
They jazzed it up and changed its name

And all they do around the clock
Is the Ritz roll and rock

You see big bucks togged out in tails
Wing-dinging with expensive quails
While dowagers and diplomats
Behave like bally alley cats

And all they do around the clock
Is the Ritz roll and rock

These fancy fops and fillies throw swell affairs
They make those hick hillbillies look like square
It's been at least a year, they say
Since any of them hit the hay

And all they do around the clock
Is the Ritz, roll and rock 

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