domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

Sammy Davis Jr. - Hey there!


En su aniversario natal recordamos al gran entertainer Sammy Davis Jr., quien en 1954 tuvo su primer hit en las listas estadounidenses con Hey there!, canción procedente del musical "The pajama game" con música de Richard Adler y letra de Jerry Ross.

Hey there!  (lyrics)

Hey there!
You with the stars in your eyes
Love never made a fool of you
You used to be too wise

Hey there!
You on that high flying cloud
Though she won't throw a crumb to you
You think someday she'll come to you

Better forget her
Her with her nose in the air
She has you dancing on a string
Break it and she won't care

Won't you take this advise I hand you like a brother
Or are you not seeing things to clear
Are you too much in love to hear
Is it all going in one ear and out the other

Better forget her
Her with her nose in the air
She has you dancing on a string
Break it and she won't care

Won't you take this advise I hand you like a brother
Or are you not seeing things to clear
Are you too much in love to hear
Is it all going in one ear and out the other 

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