jueves, 4 de enero de 2018

Vintage delights (XCVIII)

Peter Lorre ("M", 1931)

'Kong' & Fay Wray ("King Kong", 1933)

 Mary Boland & Joan Bennett ("The pursuit of happiness", 1934)

Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire ("Roberta", 1935)

William Powell & Luise Rainer ("The great Ziegfeld", 1936)

Bette Davis & Henry Fonda ("Jezebel", 1938)

Hedy Lamarr & Spencer Tracy ("Boom town", 1940)

Humphrey Bogart & Ingrid Bergman ("Casablanca", 1942)

Claude Rains ("Phantom of the Opera", 1943)
Gene Tierney ("Leave her to heaven", 1945)

John Payne, Natalie Wood & Edmund Gwenn ("Miracle on 34th Street", 1947)

 Burt Lancaster ("Criss cross", 1949)

Simone Signoret & Gérard Philippe ("La ronde", 1950)

Carlo Battisti ("Umberto D", 1952)

 Judy Garland & James Mason ("A star is born", 1954)

François Leterrier ("Un condamné à mort s'est échappé", 1956)

Roger Smith & Rosalind Russell ("Auntie Mame", 1958)

Tony Curtis & Marilyn Monroe ("Some like it hot", 1959)

Marcello Mastroianni ("Divorzio all'italiana", 1961)

Maurice Ronet & Léna Skerla ("Le feu follet", 1963)

 Geraldine Chaplin & Omar Sharif ("Doctor Zhivago", 1965)

 Liv Ullmann & Bibi Andersson ("Persona", 1966)

George Kennedy & Paul Newman ("Cool hand Luke", 1967)

Maggie Smith & Pamela Franklin ("The prime of Miss Jean Brodie", 1969)

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