lunes, 2 de enero de 2017

Movie shots X (1.01)

"Experience" (1921) - Nita Naldi & Richard Barthelmess

"Peacock Alley" (1922) - Mae Murray

"Bella donna" (1923) - Pola Negri

"Janice Meredith" (1924) - Marion Davies & W.C. Fields

"Bronenosets Potemkin" (1925) - A. Glauberman & Prokopenko

"For heaven's sake" (1926) - Jobyna Ralston, Harold Lloyd & Paul Weigel

 "Love" (1927) - Greta Garbo

"Our dancing daughters" (1928) - Joan Crawford

"Hallelujah!" (1929) - William E. Fountaine, Nina Mae McKinney and Daniel Haynes

"Madame Satan" (1930) - Reginald Denny & Kay Johnson

"The smiling Lieutenant" (1931) - Maurice Chevalier & Claudette Colbert

 "Three on a match" (1932) - Warren William, Joan Blondell & Bette Davis

"Duck soup" (1933) - Margaret Dumont, Groucho Marx & Zeppo Marx

"The gay divorcee" (1934) - Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire

"The glass key" (1935) - George Raft

 "Pennies from heaven" (1936) - Bing Crosby & Edith Dellows

"Private number" (1937) - Loretta Young & Robert Taylor

"Bringing up baby" (1938) - Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn & May Robson

"Rose of Washington Square" (1939) - Tryrone Power & Alice Faye

"The sea hawk" (1940) - Errol Flynn

"Two-faced woman" (1941) - Greta Garbo

"Mrs. Miniver" (1942) - Greer Garson & Walter Pidgeon

"Jane Eyre" (1943) - Orson Welles & Joan Fontaine

"Gaslight" (1944) - Charles Boyer & Ingrid Bergman

"Caesar and Cleopatra" (1945) - Claude Rains & Vivien Leigh

 "It's a wonderful life" (1946) - Henry Travers & James Stewart

"The ghost and Mrs. Muir" (1947) - Gene Tierney

"Easter parade" (1948) - Judy Garland & Fred Astaire (1948)

"Jour de fête" (1949) - Jacques Tati

 "Rio Grande" (1950) - John Wayne & Maureen O'Hara

"The day the earth stood still" (1951) - Michael Rennie

"David and Bathsheba" (1951) - Gregory Peck & Susan Hayward

"Young man with ideas" (1952) - Denise Darcel & Glenn Ford

"High noon" (1952) - Grace Kelly, Gary Cooper & Katy Jurado

"Stazione Termini" (1953) - Jennifer Jones & Montgomery Clift

"The Band Wagon" (1953) - Fred Astaire & Cyd Charisse

"Il Maestro di Don Giovanni" (1954) - Errol Flyhnn & Gina Lollobrigida

"Viaggio in Italia" (1954) - George Sanders & Ingrid Bergman

"The end of the affair" (1955) - Deborah Kerr

"All that heaven allows" (1955) - Jane Wyman & Rock Hudson

"The killing" (1956) - Sterling Hayden & Marie Widsor

"En effeuillant la marguerite" (1956) - Brigitte Bardot

 "Sweet smell of success" (1957) - Tony Curtis & Burt Lancaster

"Witness for the prosecution" (1957) - Tyrone Power & Marlene Dietrich

"Popiól i diament" (1958) - Zbigniew Cybulski

"Christine" (1958) - Romy Schneider & Alain Delon

"Ride lonesome" (1959 - Randolph Scott

"Rio Bravo" (1959) - John Wayne

 "Rocco e i suoi fratelli" (1960) - Renato Salvatori & Alain Delon

"Risate di gioia" (1960) - Anna Magnani & Ben Gazzara


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