miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

That's entertainment - Classic film montage


Aunque éste no es un video de M-G-M e incluye pequeños fragmentos de títulos memorables de otras compañías, merece verse por coincidir con el famoso lema del estudio de león, pues nos permite ver "más estrellas que en el firmamento", todo ello acompasado al son del himno por excelencia del showbiz en la voz de la gran luminaria del género musical, Judy Garland: "That's entertainment!".
Sirva asímismo para conmemorar el primer aniversario de este blog y como su entrada nº 1.500. He aquí mi brindis de celebración con todos los seguidores del Museo LoPiù! Gracias por vuestra atención.
Salud, Salut, Osasuna, Saúde, Santé, Salute, Cheers, Prost, Skål, Noroc, Na zdorovje, Lechaym, Ganbei, Kampai .............. etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's entertainment (lyrics)
(Dietz, Howard / Schwartz, Arthur)

The clown with his pants falling down
Or the dance that's a dream of romance
Or the scene where the villain is mean.
That's entertainment!
The lights on the lady in tights
Or the bride with the guy on her side
Or the ball where she gives it her all.
That's entertainment!
The plot can be hot, simply teeming with sex
A gay divorcee who is after her ex
It can be Oedipus Rex
Where a chap kills his father and causes a lot of bother.
The clerk who is thrown out of work
By the boss who is thrown for a loss
By the skirt who is doing him dirt
The world is a stage, the stage is a world of entertainment!
It might be a fight like you see on the screen
A swain getting slain for the love of a queen
Some great Shakespearean scene
Where a ghost and a prince meet, and everyone ends in mincemeat.
The guy maybe waving the flag
That began with the mystical hand
Hip hooray! The American way
The world is a stage; the stage is a world of entertainment!

2 comentarios:

  1. That's entertainment! Sin la menor de las dudas y una clase magistral de montaje cinematográfico!
