domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

Vintage delights (XXII)

Lost in music



Huile de foie de morue

Planet of the apes: Seymour Koenig, Zabo, Jerry Trailer, Steve Merjanian

A soup line forming during the recession era

Brighton dandies

Dempsey & Firpo

 Naples, Italy, 1960

Hombres de Barro Asaro de Papúa, Nueva Guinea

Crab hat

Sailors on shore leave talking to local girls, San Diego, 1937

Nautical tradition: Whenever someone yells, 'Nipple train!'

 Max Factor and his beauty micrometer

Boxing 1955

Horseman from Jean Cocteau film 'Testament of Orpheus', 1960

 Actor Burr McIntosh as Father Neptune with bathing beauties

Begging on the streets of Madrid, 1940

Cuban vedette, 1960s

Football player, 1930s

Flapper, 1920s

Dancing in the streets of NY, 1945, by Weegee

Ziegfeld girl with Indian headdress

Columbia player

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