jueves, 23 de mayo de 2024

Vintage delights (CXCVI)

 The Marx Brothers: Chico, Groucho, Harpo & Zeppo ("Animal crackers", 1930)
Marlene Dietrich ("Blonde Venus", 1932)

 Clark Gable & Claudette Colbert ("It happened one night", 1934)

Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers ("Top hat", 1935)

 Jane Wyatt & Ronald Colman ("Lost horizon", 1937)

Nella Walker, Kay Francis, Cary Grant & Charles Coburn ("In name only", 1939)

 Betty Grable, Carole Landis & Victor Mature ("I wake up screaming", 1941)

Gene Kelly & Jean-Pierre Aumont ("The cross of Lorraine", 1943)

Hedy Lamarr & George Brent ("Experiment perilous", 1944)

Bette Davis ("The corn is green", 1945)

Nancy Guild & George Montgomery ("The brasher doubloon", 1947)

Orson Welles ("The third man", 1949)

 Richard Widmark & Sidney Poitier ("No way out", 1950)

Aldo Ray & Judy Hollyday ("The marrying kind", 1952)

 Rock Hudson & Jane Wyman ("All that heaven allows", 1955)

Shirley MacLaine & David Niven ("Around the world in 80 days", 1956)

 Maurice Chevalier, Leslie Caron & Louis Jourdan ("Gigi", 1958)

 Richard Egan & Dorothy McGuire ("A summer place", 1959)

Burt Lancaster & Audrey Hepburn ("The unforgiven", 1960)

 Natalie Wood ("West Side story", 1961)

Barrie Chase & Robert Mitchum ("Cape fear", 1962)

Debbie Reynolds & Harve Presnell ("The unsinkable Molly Brown", 1964)

Catherine Deneuve & Françoise Dorléac ("Les demoiselles de Rochefort", 1967)

Telly Savalas & George Lazenby ("On her Majesty's secret service", 1969)

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