viernes, 3 de febrero de 2023

Vintage delights (CLXXVIII)


Robert Armstrong & Lew Ayres ("Iron man", 1931)

Marlene Dietrich ("Shanghai Express", 1932)

Diana Wynyard & Clive Brook ("Cavalcade", 1933)

 Elissa Landi & Robert Donat ("The Count of Monte Cristo", 1934)

Ida Lupino, George Raft & Dolores Costello ("Yours for the asking", 1936)

 Vivien Leigh & Hattie MacDaniel ("Gone with the wind", 1939)

Cary Grant & Joan Fontaine ("Suspicion", 1941)

Lana Turner & Robert Taylor ("Johnny Eager", 1942)

Claudette Colbert, Paulette Goddard & Veronica Lake ("So proudly we hail!", 1943)

Jack Carson & Joan Crawford ("Mildred Pierce", 1945)

Rosalind Russell & Alexander Knox ("Sister Kenny", 1946)

Walter Fitzgerald, Bobby Henrey & Ralph Richardson ("The fallen idol", 1948)

 William Holden, Gloria Swanson & Erich Von Stroheim ("Sunset Boulevard", 1950)

Claire Bloom & Charles Chaplin ("Limelight", 1952)

Yves Montand & Charles Vanel ("Le salaire de la peur", 1953)

Marilyn Monroe ("The seven year itch", 1955)

Yvonne De Carlo & Charlton Heston ("The Ten Commandments", 1956)

 Robert Ryan & Harry Belafonte ("Odds against tomorrow", 1959)

 Laurence Olivier & Joan Plowright ("The entertainer", 1960)

Hayley Mills ("The parent trap", 1961)

 Rex Harrison ("My fair Lady", 1964).

 Jack Lemmon & Peter Falk ("The great race", 1965)

 Jeanne Moreau & Charles Denner ("La mariée était en noir", 1968)

John Wayne & Jennifer O'Neill ("Rio Lobo", 1970)

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