viernes, 14 de octubre de 2022

Bing Crosby - That's what life is all about


Hoy se cumplen cuarenta y cinco años de la partida final de Bing Crosby. Maestro de crooners, su amplísima discografía abarca cincuenta años, vendiendo más discos que Elvis y Los Beatles juntos. En las postrimerías de su carrera, ya septuagenario, grabó That's what life is all about (Dacre / Reed / Barnes / Crosby), canción que en 1975 encabezó su álbum del mismo título. Si Frank Sinatra tuvo su "My way" retrospectivo, Crosby recapituló su vida con esta preciosa melodía que no alcanzó la repercusión que merecía.

That's what life is all about  (lyrics) 
My life is like an open book 
And as I glance back through the pages 
I see the chances I often took 
Though I was never too courageous 
Life's never easy all the time 
The hills you climb often lead nowhere 
Of ups and downs, I've had my share 
That's what life is all about 
I've known success, some mild acclaim 
And thinking of it gives me pleasure 
And I've had some stress, the scars remain 
When lady luck gave me short measure 
When things went wrong 
I'd fake a smile but that's my style 
'Cause I've been around 
And having been around, I've found 
That's what life is all about 
It's been a joy, I can't deny 
Though some may think I took things lightly 
But man and boy, I looked on high 
And never fail to thank Him nightly 
When I look back, I can't forget 
The friends I've met and the things they've done 
I thank 'em all, it's been great fun 
As for me, I have no doubt 
That's what life is all about 
That's what life is all about

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