sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2021

Lotte Lenya - Sing me not a ballad


Con ocasión del cuadragésimo aniversario del fallecimiento de la cantante austriaca Lotte Lenya, recordamos su grabación de Sing me not a ballad, composición de su marido Kurt Weill con letra de Ira Gershwin para la opereta "La antorcha de Florencia", estrenada en Brodway en 1945. Lenya incluyó la canción en su álbum September song and other American theatre songs of Kurt Weill (1958).
Sing me not a ballad  (lyrics)
I am not like Circe
Who showed men no mercy
Men are most important in my life
Venus, Cleo, Psyche
Are melodies in my key
They knew how to live the high life
Gallantry I find archaic
Poetry I find prosaic
Give me a man who's strong and silent
Inarticulate but violent

Sing me not a ballad
Send me not a sonnet
I require no ballad
Rhyme and time are wasted on it
Save your books and flowers
They're not necessariеs
Oh, the precious hours
Lost in grim preliminariеs
Deck me not in jewels
Sigh me not your sighs
Duel me no duels
And please don't vocalize
Romance me no romances
Treasure not my glove
Spare me your advances
Just, oh just make love
Spare me your advances
Just, oh just make love
Save your books and flowers
They're not necessariеs
Oh, the precious hours
Lost in grim preliminariеs
Deck me not in jewels
Sigh me not your sighs
Duel me no duels
And please don't vocalize
Romance me no romances
Treasure not my glove
Spare me your advances
Just, oh just make love
Spare me your advances
Just, oh just make love


1 comentario:

  1. Artista con un estilo muy singular que se hace homogéneo con la canción. Gracias Javi por la información y adjuntar la letra.
