domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

Al Jolson - I feel a song coming on


En su aniversario natal recordamos una vez más a Al Jolson con esta grabación en vivo de I feel a song coming on, composición de Dorothy Fields, Jimmy McHugh y George Oppenheimer que el maestro de crooners estadounidense interpretó en el programa radiofónico de variedades Shell Chateau, emitido por la NBC el 24 de agosto de 1935.

I feel a song coming on  (lyrics)

I remember my days of solitude
when it was hardly a dream
when my heartbeat
was not requiring
of great inspiring theme
but today my dark cloud
is breaking
music even inspire me
is waiting

I feel a song coming on 
and I'm warning you 
it's a victorious
happy and glorious
new strain
I feel a song coming on
it's a melody
full of the laughter
of children out after the rain

You'll hear a tuneful story
ringing through you 
love and glory
and now
that my troubles are gone
let those heavenly
drums go on drumming
'cause I feel a song coming on

I feel a song coming on
and I'm warning you
it's a victorious
happy and glorious
new strain
I feel a song coming on
it's a melody
full of the laughter
of children out after the rain

You'll hear a tuneful story
ringing through you
love and glory
and now
that my troubles are gone
let those heavenly
drums go on drumming
'cause I feel a song coming on

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