jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

Marlene Dietrich - Filmography Album (1.04)


"The song of songs" (1933), poster

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933) - Brian Aherne & Marlene Dietrich

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

"The song of songs" (1933)

 "The scarlet Empress" (1934), poster

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934) - Marlene Dietrich & John Lodge

 "The scarlet Empress" (1934) - John Lodge & Marlene Dietrich

"The scarlet Empress" (1934) - Louise Dresser, Marlene Dietrich & Sam Jaffe

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934) - Marlene Dietrich & Sam Jaffe

 "The scarlet Empress" (1934) - Sam Jaffe & Marlene Dietrich

"The scarlet Empress" (1934) - John Lodge & Marlene Dietrich

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934) - Marlene Dietrich & John Lodge

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934)

"The scarlet Empress" (1934) - Marlene Dietrich & Gavin Gordon


1 comentario:

  1. Junto a sus filmes, estas colecciones testimonian la grandeza de una artista y la genialidad de un experto para lograr documentar, con puras imágenes, tan perfectamente, el arte de Marlene Dietrich.
