martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Lotte Lenya - Foolish heart


En el trigésimo séptimo aniversario del óbito de la cantante y actriz austriaca Lotte Lenya evocamos su memoria con esta versión de Foolish heart, delicioso vals perteneciente al musical "One touch of Venus" con libreto de S. J. Perelman y Ogden Nash y canciones con letra de éste último y música de Kurt Weill. La obra se estrenó en Broadway en 1943 con dirección de Elia Kazan, siendo Mary Martin, Kenny Baker y John Boles sus protagonistas y llegando a mantenerse en cartel durante 567 representaciones. La canción apareció en el álbum de Lenya grabado en 1957 September song and other American theatre songs of Kurt Weill (1958).

Foolish heart  (lyrics)

Can you tell me how these things happen? 
Have I trusted in love too much?
When did the magic vanish?
Have I somehow lost my touch?
How gay the world could be
Could I love you?
Could he love me?
Love shouldn't be serious, shouldn't
You meet, you kiss, you start
I fancied that I understood it
I forgot my foolish heart
Love can't be illogical, can't it
You kiss, perhaps you smile, you part
It happens the way that you plan it
If you hush your foolish heart
Poor foolish heart
Crying for one who ignores you
Poor foolish heart
Flying from one who adores you
Ah, love used to touch me so lightly
Why will my heart betray me so?
I would dance with a new love nightly
But my foolish heart says no

Poor foolish heart
Crying for one who ignores you
Poor foolish heart
Flying from one who adores you
Ah, love used to touch me so lightly
Why will my heart betray me so?
I would dance with a new lover nightly
But my foolish heart says no

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