sábado, 2 de junio de 2018

Movie shots XVIII (1.01)

"Behind the door" (1919) -  Hobart Bosworth & Jane Novak

"The round-up" (1920) - Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle

"The conquering power" (1921) - Rudolph Valentino & Alice Terry

"Manslaughter" (1922) - Thomas Meighan & Leatrice Joy

"The ten Commandments"(1923) - Julia Faye, Charles de Roche, Pat Moore & Theodore Roberts

"The iron horse" (1924) - George O'Brien, Madge Bellamy & Charles Edward Bull

"Sally of the sawdust" (1925) - W.C. Fields & Carol Dempster

"The temptress" (1926) - Antonio Moreno, Greta Garbo & Armand Kaliz

"My best girl" (1927) - Mary Pickford & Charles 'Buddy' Rogers

"Under the Tonto rim" (1928) - Richard Arlen & Mary Brian

"Blackmail" (1929) - John Longden, Anny Ondra & Donald Calthrop

 "Animal crackers" (1930) - The Marx Brothers [Chico, Groucho, Harpo & Zeppo]

"Possessed" (1931) - Joan Crawford & Clark Gable

"Tiger shark" (1932) - Richard Arlen & Edward G. Robinson

"Female" (1933) - Ruth Chatterton & George Brent

"The world moves on" (1934) - Franchot Tone & Madeleine Carroll

"The whole town's talking" (1935) - Jean Arthur & Edward G. Robinson

"San Francisco" (1936) - Clark Gable, Jack Holt, Jeanette MacDonald & William Ricciardi

"Make way for tomorrow" (1937) - Victor Moore & Beulah Bondi

"Boys town" (1938) - Spencer Tracy & Mickey Rooney

 "In name only" (1939) - Carole Lombard, Cary Grant & Kay Francis

"Strange cargo" (1940) - Clark Gable & Joan Crawford

"You'll never get rich" (1941) - Fred Astaire, Ann Shoemaker, John Hubbard & Rita Hayworth

"The Palm Beach story" (1942) - Joel McCrea & Claudette Colbert

"Frankenstein meets the Wolf Man" (1943) - Patric Knowles, Ilona Massey & Maria Ouspenskaya

"Marriage is a private affair" (1944) - Lana Turner & James Craig

"The valley of decision" (1945) - Greer Garson & Gregory Peck

"Green for danger" (1946) - Sally Gray & Trevor Howard

"Ride the pink horse" (1947) - Robert Montgomery, Wanda Hendrix & Thomas Gomez

"All my sons" (1948) - Burt Lancaster & Edward G. Robinson

 "Task force" (1949) - Jane Wyatt & Gary Cooper

"Where danger lives" (1950) - Faith Domergue & Robert Mitchum

"Furia roja" (1951) - Carlos López Moctezuma & Sara Montiel

"My cousin Rachel" (1952) - Olivia de Havilland, Audrey Dalton & Richard Burton

"Jeopardy" (1953) - Ralph Meeker, Barbara Stanwyck & Barry Sullivan

"The sleeping tiger" (1954) - Dirk Bogarde & Alexis Smith

 "Blackboard jungle" (1955) - Margaret Hayes & Glenn Ford

"Akasen chitai" (1956) - Machiko Kyô & Kenji Sugawara

"A King in New York" (1957) - Dawn Addams & Charles Chaplin

"The key" (1958) - Sophia Loren & William Holden

 "Tiger Bay" (1959) - Hayley Mills

"The concrete jungle / The criminal" (1960) - Sam Wanamaker & Stanley Baker

"Mysterious island" (1961) - Michael Craig & Herbert Lom

"L'eclisse" (1962) - Monica Vitti & Alain Delon

"The raven" (1963) - Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre & Vincent Price

"Fail safe" (1964) - Larry Hagman & Henry Fonda

"The hill" (1965) - Sean Connery & Harry Andrews

"Penelope" (1966) - Peter Falk & Natalie Wood

 "The producers" (1967) - Zero Mostel, Lee Meredith & Gene Wilder

"What's so bad about feeling good?" (1968) - Mary Tyler Moore & George Peppard


1 comentario:

  1. Este tipo de publicación resulta extraordinaria. Se disfruta, se aprende, mueve agradables recuerdos y amplía inmensamente nuestra cultura. Gran iniciativa e inspiración de Javi.
