viernes, 26 de enero de 2018

Vintage delights (XCIX)

Lew Ayres & Raymond Griffith ("All quiet on the western front", 1930)

Marlene Dietrich, Dickie Moore & Herbert Marshall ("Blonde Venus", 1932)

Chico, Zeppo, Groucho, Harpo [Marx Brothers] ("Duck soup", 1933)

Louis Lefebvre & Michel Simon ("L'Atalante", 1934)

Robert Taylor & Greta Garbo ("Camille", 1936)

John Boles & Barbara Stanwyck ("Stella Dallas", 1937)

George Sanders, Joel McCrea & Laraine Day ("Foreign correspondent", 1940)

Cary Grant & Ginger Rogers ("Once upon a honeymoon", 1942)

Don Ameche & Gene Tierney ("Heaven can wait", 1943)

Cecil Parker, Vivien Leigh & Claude Rains ("Caesar and Cleopatra", 1945)

Louis Jourdan & Gregory Peck ("The Paradine case", 1947)

Virginia Mayo & James Cagney ("White heat", 1949)

 Margaret Sheridan, Robert Cornthwaite, Everett Glass, Paul Frees, Norbert Schiller & George Fenneman ("The thing from another world", 1951)

 Gene Kelly ("Singin' in the rain", 1952)

Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck ("Roman holiday", 1953)

Janet Leigh & Jerry Lewis ("Living it up", 1954)

Charlton Heston & Yul Brynner ("The ten Commandments", 1956)

Tiberio Murgia, Marcello Mastroianni, Carlo Pisacane & Vittorio Gassman ("I soliti ignoti", 1958)

Marie Laforêt & Alain Delon ("Plein soleil", 1960)

Jeanne Moreau, Henri Serre & Oskar Werner ("Jules et Jim", 1962)

 Julie Andrews ("Mary Poppins", 1964)

Philippe Leroy & Rossana Podestà ("Il grande colpo dei 7 uomini d'oro", 1966)

Jane Fonda ("Barbarella", 1968)

Julie Christie & Alan Bates ("The go-between", 1970)

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