domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017

Vintage delights (LXXXVI)

Mae Clarke & Boris Karloff ("Frankenstein", 1931)

Clark Gable & Jean Harlow ("Red dust", 1932)

Colin Clive, Elsa Lanchester &  Ernest Thesiger ("The bride of Frankenstein", 1935)

Marlene Dietrich & Gary Cooper ("Desire", 1936)

Margaret Dumont, Groucho Marx & Leonard Ceeley ("A day at the races", 1937)

Adolphe Menjou, Barbara Stanwyck & William Holden ("Golden boy", 1939)

Rosalind Russell & Cary Grant ("His girl Friday", 1940)

Judy Garland & Mickey Rooney ("Babes on Broadway", 1941)

Paul Henreid & Bette Davis ("Now voyager", 1942)

Joan Crawford ("Mildred Pierce", 1945)

William Powell & Elizabeth Taylor ("Life with father", 1947)

Spencer Tracy & Katharine Hepburn ("Adam's rib", 1949)

Roberto Cobo, Javier Amézcua & Alfonso Mejía ("Los olvidados", 1950)

Montgomery Clift & Donna Reed ("From here to eternity", 1953)

Ava Gardner & Humphrey Bogart ("The barefoot contessa", 1954)

James Dean & Natalie Wood ("Rebel without a cause", 1955)

Tom Tryon & Diana Dors ("The unholy wife", 1957)

Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis & Marilyn Monroe ("Some like it hot", 1959)

Warren Beatty & Natalie Wood ("Splendor in the grass", 1961)

Sue Lyon & James Mason ("Lolita", 1962)

Sophia Loren & Marcello Matroianni ("Matrimonio all'italiana", 1964)

Julie Andrews & Paul Newman ("Torn curtain", 1966)

Jeanne Moreau ("La mariée était en noir", 1968)

John Wayne & Jennifer O'Neill ("Rio Lobo", 1970)

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