martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Movie shots XIII (1.01)

 "Brewster millions" (1921) - Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle

"Pan" (1922) - Gerd Egede-Nissen

 "The shock" (1923) - Jack Mower, Lon Chaney & Virginia Valli

"Thy name is woman" (1924) - Ramon Novarro & Barbara La Marr

"The freshman" (1925) - Jobyna Ralston & Harold Lloyd

"Nell Gwynn" (1926) - Dorothy Gish

 "Napoléon" (1927) - Albert Dieudonné

"Steamboat Bill, Jr." (1928) - Buster Keaton & Ernest Torrence

"The Virginian" (1929) - Gary Cooper & Mary Brian

"Prix de beauté" (1930) - Yves Glad, Louise Brooks & Marc Ziboulsky

"Alexander Hamilton" (1931) - Alan Mowbray, Doris Kenyon & George Arliss

"Red dust" (1932) - Jean Harlow & Clark Gable

"The eagle and the hawk" (1933) - Jack Oakie, Fredric March & Cary Grant

"Tarzan and his mate" (1934) - Johnny Weissmuller & Maureen O'Sullivan

"Reckless" (1935) - Jean Harlow

"The plainsman" (1936) - Gary Cooper & Jean Arthur

"Fire over England" (1937) - Vivien Leigh & Laurence Olivier

"Angels with dirty faces" (1938) - James Cagney & Pat O'Brien

"Love affair" (1939) - Irene Dunne & Charles Boyer

"The mortal storm" (1940) - Margaret Sullavan & James Stewart

 "The great lie" (1941) - Mary Astor & Bette Davis

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (1941) - Spencer Tracy, Ingrid Bergman & Lana Turner

"Yankee doodle dandy" (1942) - Jeanne Cagney, James Cagney, Joan Leslie, Walter Huston & Rosemary DeCamp.

"Flight Lieutenant" (1942) - Evelyn Keyes & Glenn Ford

 "Coney Island" (1943) - Betty Grable & Cesar Romero

 "This is the Army" (1943) - George Murphy

"A Canterbury tale" (1944) - John Sweet & Eric Portman

"Can't help singing" (1944) - Deanna Durbin

"Tonight and every night" (1945) - Lee Bowman & Rita Hayworth

"Brief encounter" (1945) - Celia Johnson & Trevor Howard

"Night in paradise" (1946) - Merle Oberon

"The dark mirror" (1946) - Olivia De Havilland

"Angel and the badman" (1947) - John Wayne & Gail Russell

 "Ivy" (1947) - Herbert Marshall, Patric Knowles, Joan Fontaine & Richard Ney

"Johnny Belinda" (1948) - Lew Ayres & Jane Wyman

"Force of evil" (1948) - Roy Roberts & John Garfield

"The great Gatsby" (1949) - Alan Ladd

"Colorado territory" (1949) - John Archer, Virginia Mayo, Joel McCrea & James Mitchell

"The file on Thelma Jordon" (1950) - Barbara Stanwyck & Wendell Corey

"Harvey" (1950) - Charles Drake, Peggy Dow, Josephine Hull & James Stewart

"People will talk" (1951) - Cary Grant & Jeanne Crain

"Distant drums" (1951) - Gary Cooper & Mari Aldon

"The importance of being Earnest" (1952) - Joan Greenwood, Michel Redgrave, Michal Denison & Dorothy Tuttin

"Son of Ali Baba" (1952) - Tony Curtis

"Stalag 17" (1953) - William Holden

"How to marry a millionaire" (1953) - Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, Rory Calhoun & Lauren Bacall

"The Glenn Miller story" (1954) - June Allyson & James Stewart

"White Christmas" (1954) - Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, Vera-Ellen & Bing Crosby

"My sister Eileen" (1955) - Jack Lemmon, Betty Garrett & Janet Leigh

"Oklahoma!" (1955) - Shirley Jones & Gordon MacRae


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