domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

Movie shots IX (1.02)


"The night of the hunter" (1955) - Shelley Winters & Robert Mitchum

"Rebel without a cause" (1955) - Sal Mineo, James Dean & Natalie Wood

 "La mort en ce jardin" (1956) - Simone Signoret & Georges Marchal

 "Baby Doll" (1956) - Carroll Baker & Eli Wallach

"The unholy wife" (1957) - Diana Dors & Tom Tryon

"Smultronstället" (1957) - Victor Sjöström & Ingrid Thulin

"A time to love and a time to die" (1958) - Liselotte Pulver & John Gavin

"The defiant ones" (1958) - Tony Curtis & Sidney Poitier

"North by Northwest" (1959) - Cary Grant & Eva Marie Saint

"Journey to the center of the earth" (1959) - Pat Boone, Peter Ronson, James Mason & Arlene Dahl

"Inherit the wind" (1960) - Spencer Tracy & Fredric March

"From the terrace" (1960) - Joanne Woodward & Paul Newman

"Viridiana" (1961) - Fernando Rey & Silvia Pinal

"Lolita" (1962) - James Mason & Sue Lyon

"Palm Springs weekend" (1963) - Troy Donahue, Stefanie Powers, Ty Hardin, Connie Stevens & Robert Conrad

"A hard day's night" (1964) - The Beatles (John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison & Paul McCartney)

"The knack... and how to get it" (1965) - Michael Crawford, Rita Tushingham & Donal Donnelly

"Any Wednesday" (1966) - Jane Fonda & Dean Jones

"Thoroughly modern Millie" (1967) - John Gavin, James Fox, Mary Tyler Moore, Julie Andrews, Carol Channing & Beatrice Lillie

"Rachel, Rachel" (1968) - Joanne Woodward

"Topaz" (1969) - Karin Dor & Frederick Stafford

"Zabriskie point" (1970) -  Mark Frechette & Daria Halprin

 "McCabe and Mrs. Miller" (1971) - Warren Beatty & Julie Christie

"The great Gatsby" (1972) - Mia Farrow & Robert Redford

"Serpico" (1973) - Al Pacino

"The front page" (1974) - Walter Matthau & Jack Lemmon

"Jaws" (1975) - Robert Shaw, Roy Scheider & Richard Dreyfuss

"Marathon man" (1976) - Laurence Olivier & Dustin Hoiffman

 "Una giornata particolare" (1977) - Sophia Loren & Marcello Mastroianni

"Grease" (1978) - Olivia Newton John & John Travolota

"Norma Rae" (1979) - Ron Leibman & Sally Field

 "Altered states" (1980) - William Hurt & Blair Brown

"Polyester" (1981) - Tab Hunter & Divine

"Gandhi" (1982) - Ben Kingsley & Rohini Hattangadi

"Risky business" (1983) - Rebecca DeMornay & Tom Cruise

"Birdy" (1984) - Matthew Modine

 "Witness" (1985) - Harrison Ford

"Little shop of horrors" (1986) - Ellen Greene & Rick Moranis

"Prick up your ears" (1987) - Alfred Molina & Gary Oldman

"Dead ringers" (1988) - Jeremy Irons & Genevieve Bujold

"When Harry met Sally" (1989) - Meg Ryan & Billy Crystal

 "Dances with wolves" (1990) - Kevin Costner

"In the name of the father" (1993) - Daniel Day-Lewis & Emma Thompson

"The birdcage" (1996) - Nathan Lane & Robin Williams

"Sweet and lowdown" (1999) - Samantha Morton & Sean Penn

"Road to Perdition" (2002) - Tom Hanks

"Proof" (2005) - Gwyneth Paltrow & Jake Gyllenhaal

"Frozen river" (2008) - Melissa Leo

"The descendants" (2011) - George Clooney & Shailene Woodley

"Birdman" (2014) - Michael Keaton & Eward Norton

1 comentario:

  1. Algunas películas las vi, otras no, pero al ver las fotos me dan ganas de verlas o de volver a verlas. Gracias Javi.
