jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Amazing photographers: Leigh Wiener

LEIGH WIENER (1929-1993)

Nacido en Nueva York, este cotizado y premiado fotógrafo de prensa y retratista de celebridades, fue un cronista visual de su época durante cinco décadas. Trabajó para los más prestigiosos periódicos y revistas, como Life, Paris-Match, Fortune, Time, The Saturday Evening Post o Sports Illustrated.

Simone Signoret at the Academy Awards in 1960 moments before she was named Best Actress for her role in "Room on the top"

Billie Holiday, 1954

Grace Kelly, 1955

Marilyn Monroe, 1958

Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, 1963

Johnny Cash, 1960

Tom Jones, 1969

Bobby Darin at The Tom Jones Show, 1969

Elizabeth Montgomery, 1963

Devik's first kiss, 1962

Skating rooster, 1954

Northup Ad, 1963

The closing of Alcatraz Prison, 1963

Paul Newman, 1961
Dick Cavett, 1966

Igor Stravinsky, 1966

Richard M, Nixon, 1966

Joni Mitchell, 1969

Los Angeles Coliseum, 1966
Miles Davis at The Black Hawk nightclub, San Francisco, 1961

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